Answer: read sabotreur what roles does the professor play, what's is job, his personality and things he does,then you look in the story to prove your answer.
Explanation: example I might say the professor his generous Details 1 he help and give back to to world, details 2 he saw and old lady struggling he drop his work to assist her, details 3 he have the little boy money to buy food for himself. This is an example I have not read the story yet.
When you drive your car you can feel freedom to go wherever you want, with the velocity you want, once the velocity is allowed, to stop where you really want. Also you can go all alone, listening to your music style and singing with the radio, like a karaoke.
On the other hand, when you are riding a bus, you have to stop only in the bus stop place, behavior correctly because you are in a common place, respect the other persons, show your educational principles and certainly you are not allowed to sing, smoke or other things that you could do by yourself in your own car.
I Believe in Free will because everyone literally believe in Free will. Free will is the idea that we are able to have choice in how we act and assumes that we are free to chose our behavior, in other words we are self determined.
* Hopefully this helps!
hope it helps.
1.Ted was discouraged from studying medicine
2.I have doubts whether to have my ears pierced or not.
4.Dad got an expert to give him advice about renovating the house.
3 Jeremy has set standards for himself and wants everything to be perfect.
5.He had his car windows broken yesterday.
6.Jane has a tendency of being late for appointments.
so what do I want to talk about to be with you and I don't want to be with you and I don't want to