Group of concrete nouns is
Library, books, America
Concrete Noun:
Nouns which can be perceived by any one or more of five senses (i.e touch, sight, hearing, taste, smell) are called concrete nouns. In other words things which have a physical existence are called concrete nouns Physical existence does not imply weight and matter only - it can also be light, noise, rainbow etc.
Some obvious examples of concrete nouns are table, room, glass, computer etc.
Opposite to concrete nouns are
Abstract Nouns: These nouns can not be perceived by five senses. They exist only as an idea. e.g wisdom, laziness, beauty etc.
Name of real countries, places, cities are considered concrete nouns. Country/city/town are also concrete nouns so are river, school, college.
Whereas paradise, colleague, angels, life, values, freedom are all abstract nouns.
It is an epic simile. This is because the comparisons are "long and involved". The main difference between an epic simile (also known as Homeric simile) and an ordinary simile is than an epic simile is very detailed and can span over many lines. Where as a normal simile usually is contained within one or two lines.
Example of epic simile:
But swift Aias the son of Oïleus would not at all now take his stand apart from Telamonian Aias,
not even a little; but as two wine-coloured oxen straining
with even force drag the compacted plough through the fallow land,
and for both of them at the base of the horns the dense sweat gushes;
only the width of the polished yoke keeps a space between them
as they toil down the furrow till the share cuts the edge of the ploughland;
so these took their stand in battle, close to each other.
Normal simile:
As white as a ghost
Hope this helps !!
Daisy married Tom for his status and wealth and is not willing to leave the old money society for Jay Gatsby.
Although Daisy is and was in love with Jay Gatsby for a long time, she married Tom for financial reasons and prestige.<u> She is also staying married to him mostly for financial reasons.</u> Therefore, she can’t get into a real relationship with Gatsby.
<u>Daisy has decided to marry Tom while Jay was in the war as she wanted a husband that comes from the same class of the old money as she does.</u> Yet, when Jay Gatsby does get the money to win Daisy back, it is from his ties with gangsters that gave him a <u>bad reputation</u> and started rumors about him not having clean motives.
Finally, Daisy is obviously not willing to leave her lifestyle, old money society, and reputation for Jay Gatsby. It is clear he is in love with her more than he is in love with him, and that he would sacrifice it all for their relationship. On the other hand, Daisy is too fond of her life to lose it over the man she loves.
Jefferson retained the landed gentry’s disdain for the vulgar realities of trade, commerce and finance.
Jefferson Davis and Alexander Hamilton, were the two greatest politician of their times. Jefferson was the president of the Confederate States, while Hamilton was the founding father of the United States.
John E. Ferling, the award winning writer and author wrote the book, Jefferson and Hamilton: The Rivalry That Forged a Nation. This book shows the story of the fierce struggle of both the public figures and their personal bitterness among them. Both oppose each other in their political views.
Jefferson's idea of America was not practical. He kept the disdain of the gentry for vulgar realities of finance, commerce and trade.