Apart from eating people play game, sing song,dance,go fishing etc
I think it will help you a little bit
The answer is the following: Four (Adj); score (N); and (Conj); seven (Adj); years (N); ago (Adv).
“Four” is an adjective because is giving information about the noun that follows, “score”. “And” is a conjunction. Conjunctions are used mainly to join phrases within a sentence. “Seven” is the adjective that is describing the following noun, “years”. Finally, “ago” is an adverb of time that is used in the simple past tense to indicate the period of time that has passed from the beginning of the action.
OD. Some content is purposely left out by newsroom staff
Subjectiveness is when something is influenced by personal feelings or tastes. By leaving out the information, they ignore the evidence that does not support their own opinion and therefore are subjective
On 6 April 1994, a plane carrying President Juvénal Habyarimana, a Hutu, was shot down. Following that incident, the genocide began. Hutu extremists belonging to the Interahamwe militia launched plans to destroy the entire Tutsi civilian population.
1. engineering
2. limitations
3. tool/process/system designed to solve
questions 1 and 2 are the definitions of engineering and limitations, and question 3 is asking for the definition. if you were to google the definitions of each word, they'd be an exact match