NO. She uses subjective language such as absurd sophisms...
Remember that subjective is usually how someone feels or puts forth their opinion.
Objective is more like facts. Kind of like when you take an assessment that has choices of ABCD - that would be objective
When you write an essay, it is usually subjective and your influence and prior knowledge will be used.
Well for the first one, after Mercury the second next is Earth, likewise after Mars the second next is Saturn. Length is to metre as volume is to litre. Attract is to repel as agree is to disagree. For the next one, you would need to fill in 1/2 of the square vertically, like in the picture beside it. Bee is to swarm as wolf is to pack. Lunar is to moon as solar is to sun. For the last one, you would need to fill in the first quadrant and the quadrant right below it, and place the square to the left, as in the picture right beside it.
Answer: sorry about the last person to make up for that i will try to answer it right!!!
Usually written in chronological order