The conspiracy theory of the FBI regarding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy was that Lee Harvey Oswald acted on his own. Moreover, the death of Oswald two days later at the hands of Jack Ruby was also an independent incident, and that no other else was involved in the whole thing.
The assassination of President John F. Kennedy took place on November 22, 1963, while he was on a top limousine with his wife Jackie Kennedy, Texas Governor John Connally, and his wife. The gunshot had come from a far distance, wounding the governor but critically injuring the President.
The FBI, along with the Warren Commission, believed or proposed the theory that the President was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald and that he acted alone. Moreover, the subsequent killing of Harvey by Jack Ruby was also found to be Ruby's own doing and does not involve anyone else.
But even though these findings were thought to be true, many still continue to question them and sought to come up with their own theories.
Progressives usually aim for equality and social justice, thus, they should focus on policies that advance these goals.
Some of these policies could be: universal health care coverage, whether under a public system, or a mixed private/public system.
More funds for education, both in elementary, secondary, and tertiary education, making emphasis on those students who are talented but do not have enough economic resources to pay tuition.
Antoher policy could be aim at the treatment of minorities, who often bear the brunt of systemic inequalities.
Theory by Darwin.
Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller remembered as the rich men who owned larger companies. Both supported the theory of social Darwinism. Social Darwinism is a theory related to the survival of the fittest in society. The theory given by Charles Darwin, which points to evolution. Wealth is in the hands of a few people due to economic struggle. Money ends up remaining in the hands of those who grow their wealth by using their skill and strength.