Unit pricing can be used in various types of contracts to require the buyer to pay the supplier a predetermined amount per unit of service.
a. investment risk
Risk is the potential of an action or activity (including the option not to move) to cause an undesired loss or event. The idea implies that a choice affects the outcome. The same potential losses can be called "risk".
Investment risk: We can define it as the inappropriateness between the actual and expected returns. Because on this type of risk, there may be occurrence of any losses with some probability or likelihood which will be relative the expected return.
Asset class is about the grouping process of investments which have some mutual or similar characteristics. The risk on this case is something has relative elasticity compared to another investment in the market. Usually, there is 3 groups of asset classes: equities, bonds and money market instruments.
The market risk which is called sometimes as systematic risk. This risk consider the entire market and has effects on this scale. The investor who undertook this risk will see that the factors which affect the overall performance of the whole marketplace.
Opportunity cost is the cost when you have purchased, chose or bought the product compared to another product. However, you will notice that if you buy another one you will get more value or consumer surplus but you have just bought and you missed chance. This is the opportunity cost
A shortage occurs when demand exceeds supply – in other words, when the price is too low. However, shortages tend to drive up the price, because consumers compete to purchase the product. As a result, businesses may hold back supply to stimulate demand.