243.875 to the nearest one is 244 because it is closer to 244 than it is to 243.
243.875 to the nearest tenth is 243.9 because it is closer to 243.9 than it is to 243.8
243.875 to the nearest hundreth is 243.88 because it is closer to 243.88 than it is to 243.87
"The last face was horrible and simian, and he gazed at it in amazement." A terrifying visage in the fire indicates that something dreadful is about to happen. It contributes to the story's suspenseful tone and sets up the plot's next incident.
I would say this is a Pathos appeal.
Pathos means emotion and it is a way of convincing an audience of an argument by creating an emotional response to an impassioned plea or a convincing story.