State of Maryland lacked the power to tax the bank
At the same time, they occupied the heart of prime bison range which was also an excellent region for furs, which could be sold to French and American traders for goods such as guns. The Lakota became the most powerful of the Plains tribes.
Yes. The British army had years of experience and had adequate uniforms, weapons, etc. The Continental Army were, as a whole, ill-trained and ill-equipped. Many didn't know how to properly serve in the military.
It seems that you have missed the necessary options to answer this question, but anyway, here is the answer. As the result of a conflict between British troops and a colonial militia in Massachusetts, the Boston Tea Party took place. The "Boston Massacre" occurred, in which British troops fired on colonists. Hope this helps.
Yurovsky, the executioner of the Russian Imperial Family, left a detailed account of the events that transcurred on the night of July 16th, 1918, when the Romanov family was assassinated. In it, he describes the scene with the tsar Nicholas II in the following way:
" far as I can remember, I said to Nicholas approximately this: His royal and close relatives inside the country and abroad were trying to save him, but the Soviet of Workers' Deputies resolved to shoot them. He asked "What?" and turned toward Alexei. At that moment I shot him and killed him outright. He did not get time to face us to get an answer."