The Spanish and Mexican governments made many concessions and land grants in Alta California (now known as California) and Baja California from 1785 to 1846. The Spanish Concessions of land were made to retired soldiers as an inducement for them to remain in the frontier. These Concessions reverted to the Spanish crown upon the death of the recipient. The Mexican government later encouraged settlement by issuing much larger land grants to both native-born and naturalized Mexican citizens. The grants were usually two or more square leagues, or 35 square kilometres (14 sq mi) in size. Unlike Spanish Concessions, Mexican land grants provided permanent, unencumbered ownership rights. Most ranchos granted by Mexico were located along the California coast around San Francisco Bay, inland along the Sacramento River, and within the San Joaquin Valley.
When the government secularized the Mission churches in 1833, they required that land be set aside for each Neophyte family. But the Native Americans were quickly brushed aside by Californios who, with the help of those in power, acquired the church lands as grants. The indigenous peoples of the Americas ("Indians") instead became virtual slaves of the rancheros.
Spain made about 30 concessions between 1784 and 1821, and Mexico issued about 270 land grants between 1833 and 1846. The ranchos established permanent land-use patterns. The rancho boundaries became the basis for California's land survey system, and are found on modern maps and land titles. The "rancheros" (rancho owners) patterned themselves after the landed gentry of New Spain, and were primarily devoted to raising cattle and sheep. Their workers included Native Americans who had learned Spanish while living at one of the former Missions. The ranchos were often based on access to the resources necessary for raising cattle, such as grazing lands and water. Land development from that time forward has often followed the boundaries of the ranchos, and many of their names are still in use. For example, Rancho San Diego is now an unincorporated "rural-burb" east of San Diego, and Rancho Bernardo is a suburb in San Diego.
C. This is not plagiarism
This would not be considered an example of plagiarism. In this example, the student takes some ideas from the original source of Reigeluth and Schwartz (1989). However, he mentions the source of such ideas in his text, while providing the relevant information that is needed for citations, such as author and date. He also rewrites the ideas he is borrowing in his own words.
With the fewest vehicles around you is the answer.
Simply put, the central seat is farthest from the impact of a collision and farthest from the airbag. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recommends that all children under the age of 13 ride in the backseat, ideally in the center.
Assuming passengers fasten their children's seat belts, child seats, or booster cushions, the rear center seat is currently the safest seat in the car.
But as vehicle safety technology continues to improve, this ancient wisdom is beginning to change. According to the New York Times, in past model year cars, experts now recommend sitting in the front seats for adults over the age of 55 if they want the safest place.
Learn more about safest position here:brainly.com/question/2302374
The power of veto was not just restricted to the consuls. All officers of state (consuls, praetors, censors, aediles and quaestors) had the power of veto. Officers of the same rank could veto each other and officers of higher rank could veto officers of lower rank.