A)Usted y sus nietos van al parque
B)Clotilde va de compras hoy
C)Marta y yo vamos ala piscina los martes y los jueves
D)tú mamá y Marco van a pescar los fines de semana
¡Felices e inspirados!
¿Cómo nos sentimos cuando una familia está feliz?
Nos sentimos ¡felices e inspirados!
What is one of the most successful choreographies at the international level?
miembros de la familia
padre: father
madre: mother
hijo: son
hija: daughter
esposo: husband
esposa: wife
padres: parents
hermano: brother
hermana: sister
atarabuelo: great great grandfather
tatarabuela: great great grandmother
bisabuelo: great grandfather
bisabuela: great grandmother
abuelos: grandparents
abuelo: grandfather
abuela: grandmother
nietos: grandchildren
nieto: grandson
nieta: granddaughter
bisnieto: great grandson
bisnieta: great granddaughter
tío: tio
tía: tia
primos: cousins
primo: cousin (male)
prima: cousin (female)
sobrino: nephew
sobrina: niece
The question is saying to choose the correct option for an informal command.
- A) Talk to your sister [habla = talk in command form] = present
- B) I talked with your brother [hable = I spoke] = past tense
- C) They talk to your sister [hablan = they talk] = plural present
- D) You talk with your brother [hablas = you are talking] = present
The correct answer is A, since it is a command.