D) Egpyt
Egypt had the benefit of several domesticated animals, from sheep to cattle to horses. This naturally had huge implications for productivity, as agricultural and other finished goods, such as clothing, were easier to produce.
The correct answer is D. 80 CE – The Roman Colosseum was completed.
In history, C.E. stands for Common Era, which refers to the time between year 1 C.E. to modernity ( 1st century to 21st century). This term is used as a synonym of A.D., which represents the year Christ was born. Moreover, in the Common Era events are organized from the year 1 C.E. to 2020 C.E. (current year). In this context, the first event from the ones listed is the construction of the Roman Colosseum because this occurred in the year 80 CE (first century), which is before the year 1066 CE, 1919 CE, or 1993 CE.
Latin America is a region in the Western Hemisphere, south of the United States. The term Latin America is used to describe the countries in South America, Middle America, and the Caribbean that speak Latin languages, also known as the “Romance languages.” These languages include Spanish, Portuguese, and
The AG industry was able to provide way bigger amounts of food. With higher amounts and productivity gave farmers a easier time to keep up with the growing population around the world. more people means higher demand for food in larger quantities.
In February 1788, she published a 19-page pamphlet called “Observations on the New Constitution, and on the Federal and State Conventions.” She argued that the Constitution as it stood proposed, not yet with a Bill of Rights, threatened to violate individuals' and states' rights