A watched pot never boils is a proverb. ... We will examine the meaning of the proverb a watched pot never boils, where it came from and some examples of its use in sentences. A watched pot never boils means that time seems to move more slowly when one is anticipating something or waiting for something to occur. I hope this helps <3
Wicked would be the best answer to this
Answer: Crooks is so named because of a crooked back caused by a kick from a horse. Crooks is the stable hand who takes care of the horses and lives by himself because he is the only black man on the ranch. Along with Candy, Crooks is a character used by Steinbeck to show the effects of discrimination. This time the discrimination is based on race, and Crooks is not allowed in the bunkhouse with the white ranch hands. He has his own place in the barn with the ranch animals.