Answer: By having Gregor be attracted to music, Kafka shows that art is a way people can discover their true humanity.
"Was he an animal if music could captivate him so? It seemed to him that he was being shown the way to the unknown nourishment he had been yearning for." Upon hearing his sister Grete play the violin, Gregor comes out of his apathy by being reminded of the bond they once shared. His love for his sister is rekindled and so is his appreciation for her art. Music awakens his dormant humanity. Gregor is, in fact, more human than the others who are simply ignoring the beautiful melody. Art touches him, brings back buried feelings, makes him eager to protect Grete, to show his love for her. For a brief moment, Gregor even seems to forget he's trapped in an insect's body.
The Metamorphosis is a book by Franz Kafka, first published in 1915. The main character, Gregor Samsa, wakes up one day to find himself transformed into an insect. The plot that follows narrates the psychological and emotional difficulties Gregor's family has to accept his new condition and adapt to it. His appearance is disgusting to them and, with time, the way they treat him gets more and more indifferent.