<span>1.The Chinese did not have any more uses for a navy.
2.The voyages were becoming to expensive.
3.They wanted to divert their attention to stopping the Mongolians.
4.The Chinese began to adopt a policy of isolationism and did not want to interact with anyone.</span>https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20130423165801AABEmGv
As an intimidation tactic.
Think about it:
If black kids are beaten up for going to school, will they even want to go to school?
If a black man was going to go vote, but the night before, the local sheriff came by and told him he'd "cause trouble" for him and his family if he votes, will he still want to vote?
Basically, violence was used to scare black people into obeying.
Yes the us should force the freed blah blah blah Yes the us should force the freed blah blah blah Yes the us should force the freed blah blah blah