The expansion of colonization was important for the Industrial Revolution in England because as industry grew more raw materials were required. England produced limited raw materials, therefore it depended heavily on colonization in Asia and Africa. Its colonies were important sources of raw materials, such as cotton and rubber. England typically invested enough to make a profit in the colonies, usually building railroads and telegraph lines. Local workers in the colonies were exploited through low wages and dangerous work conditions.
ThE DuTch WEst InDia CoMpaNy wAnted tO esTAblish A Colony iN NoRth AMERica tO tRAde GOod sUch As fURs aNd sPIces. ThIS WAs aT A tIMe wHerE mANy EUROpean naTIons wEre "sCraMBling" fOR teRRitoRy iN tHe AMEricAs.
E, an ideological struggle between the United States and the former Soviet Union that lasted from 1946-1991, and included Soviet occupation of several European countries. The Cold War never actually included any armed warfare. It was a war of philosophies, rather than armies.
I am pretty sure that he did that because the 1700s just ended and that he was president.
It's probably the city of equality which is option d.
(This answer is of my opinion)