Extortion: forcing to someone to give something (often money) to another person
Burglary: the theft or taking of items or things that do not belong to them
Uttering: to speak in a quiet and shy manner
Capitalists created the economic force that drove the revolution while the inventors created new technology that made it it easier to create products and make more money which in turn helped the capitalists.
cual es la secuencia que falta
the definition is to visit a person in prison i think what you're trying to ask is what the word is called
Autocracy, political belief system, and mass development that overwhelmed numerous pieces of focal, southern, and eastern Europe somewhere in the range of 1919 and 1945 and that additionally had followers in western Europe, the United States, South Africa, Japan, Latin America, and the Middle East. Europe's first extremist pioneer, Benito Mussolini, took the name of his gathering from the Latin word fasces, which alluded to a heap of elm or birch poles (as a rule containing a hatchet) utilized as an image of a correctional expert in old Rome.