I m pulling for workplace and lifestyle
d. gadflies
In his famous letter from Birmingham City Jail, Martin Luther King Jr. wrote:
<em>“...we must see the need of having nonviolent </em><em>gadflies </em><em>to create the kind of tension in society that will help men rise from the dark depths of prejudice and racism to the majestic heights of understanding and brotherhood”</em>
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Gadfly is an established metaphor for the person that doesn’t take the status quo as such and tries to bring the change and the novelty into the society, usually by standing up to the authorities in the process.
Using the gadfly metaphor, King expresses the importance of standing up to the established rules of the society and<u> creating tension that has to end up in change</u>. The tension he calls for is <u>nonviolent and interference to the authority</u>, but impossible to ignore. <u>He is, therefore, calling for nonviolent civil disobedience that will challenge the racial prejudices, and finally abolish them.</u>
1 independent and 0 subordinate ........ and independent can stand on its own the subordinate is just a cliffhanger an incomplete sentence.
When you ate you should be have a good life
multiple choice test
Multiple choice test is a type of assessment in which the candidates are provided with certain options from which he had to choose the correct answer. Choices to select the correct option is stated in the question itself. This type of test helps in testing the students' presence of mind and the level of confidence to choose the best and correct answer from the list.