Spanish is understood by them.
In simple words, reverse the subject (who is performing the action) with the object (the receiver of the action).
The author's purpose for including this paragraph is to explain the resistance that Branch Rickey willingly took on in an effort to being the process of ending segregation in Major League Baseball. This paragraph serves to explain that there were people off the field who also helped revolutionize the game.
Chapter six begins with a newspaper man wanting to know more about Gatsby's parties. Then Nick tells the true story of Jay Gatsby which isn't even his real name. Jay Gatsby was born when James Gatz was 17 and met Dan Cody. Dan Cody then became Jay's mentor and best friend. after Dan died his money was supposed to go to Gatsby but Dan's mistress stepped in and took the money. At Gatsby's house where Nick is, a man named Sloane, a girl and Tom all stop by Gatsby's house. Then Gatsby thinking that Daisy loves him and not Tom taunts Tom and Tom gets mad. Then the girl invites Gatsby to dinner but when he goes upstairs to get dressed they leave. The following Saturday Tom and Daisy both decide to come to Gatsby's party but Gatsby and Daisy go to Nick's house to be alone. A When they come back, Daisy and tom have an argument on how Gatsby got his money. Tom believes that he got it from bootlegging but Daisy thinks that he got it from the chain of drugstores that he owns. After Daisy and tom leave the party Gatsby finds Nick and tells him that he is unhappy because Daisy had an unpleasant time. Gatsby wants things to be like before he left and wants Daisy to leave Tom but Nick tells Gatsby that you can't re-create the past.
The next Saturday instead of having a party, Gatsby locks himself up and fires all of his servants to prevent gossip and hires new mean servants. On the hottest day of the summer, Nick visits Daisy at her house and is surprised to see Gatsby and Jordan. Nick, Gatsby, Tom and Daisy all decide to go to New York together. Daisy and Gatsby ride in the Buchanan's car and Tom, Nick and Jordan ride in Gatsby's car. Tom stops for gas at Wilson's garage and Wilson asks for money because he knows that his wife is having an affair but he doesn't know with who and wants to move West. To cool off, the four of them go to the Plaza Hotel where Tom accuses Gatsby of lying about going to Oxford. Then Tom and Gatsby argue about who Daisy loves Tom or Gatsby. On the way back home, Tom, Jordan and Nick stop at Wilson's garage where a tragedy occurred. A yellow automobile struck and killed Myrtle. Nick, Jordan and Tom all know that the automobile was the one with Gatsby and Daisy in it. Later Nick finds Gatsby spying on Daisy to make sure that Tom does not hurt her. Gatsby also reveals that Daisy was driving and hit Myrtle. Still worried Gatsby tells Nick to go check on her and when he notices that Daisy and Tom have reconciled, he left.
Chapter eight begins with Nick going to Gatsby's house after a sleepless night and gatsby tells Nick that nothing happened at Daisy's house. Nick then suggests that Gatsby leave long Island for a while but Gatsby says that he can't abandon daisy now. Gatsby finally tells Nick the history between him and Daisy. As Gatsby tells the story he is interrupted by his gardener who wants to drain the pool but gatsby wants to use it so he tells the gardener to wait a day. Since Nick was running late he left for his office. When he arrives at his office, Nick received a call from Jordan. After the call the story leads back to the tragedy with Myrtle. Wilson suspected that Myrtle had an affair with someone because he found a dog collar and bruises on Myrtle. Before Myrtle died, Wilson took her to the window and told her that you can't fool God and he thought that the eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg were the eyes of God. Wilson also believed that whoever was having an affair with Myrtle killed Myrtle so he went to Gatsby's house. At Gatsby's house he shot Gatsby and himself.
The final chapter begins with Nick dealing with the police and the photographers. After dealing with them he tries to call Daisy but they left with no forwarding address. Besides Daisy, Nick tries to find other friends and relatives of Gatsby but no one wants to pay their respects. Nick was able to delay the funeral until Gatsby's father, Mr. Gatz was able to arrive. Mr. Gatz also filled Nick in with Gatsby's early life. Shortly after the funeral, Nick decides to go back home. Before he leaves Nick meets Jordan one last time. Jordan says that Nick is just another careless driver like her. As Nick is leaving he bumps into Tom. Tom reveals that he was the one who told Wilson that it was Gatsby's car. Then the book ends with Nick on Gatsby's blue lawn looking at Daisy's green light.
For Penelope in The Odyssey, she has been depicted as an "ideal woman". She is <span>a wife, a mother, a heroine, and a queen and possesses willpower, resourceful, loyal and has pride for her home and family. Like any other woman today, she has been through struggles too but it never broke her down. The character of Penelope is no different from the ideal woman today. For Odysseus, he is also like Penelope. He is cunning and quick thinking. All throughout his journey, he remained faithful to his wife despite all the struggles and temptations he went through no matter how look it took. This is still the ideal man of today. </span>