A simile compares 2 things using like or as. Examples such as "stood out like a sore thumb" compare something (Sanjay) with something completely unlike the first (a sore thumb) connecting the two with like or as. Use this when looking for a simile in the future.
B. adventurous
The <em>tone</em> created in the paragraph is "adventurous." This is supported by the phrase<em> "collection of revolutionary bullets."</em> This means that the narrator's collection was<em> out-of-the-ordinary.</em> The phrase<em> "searched for tarantulas" </em>sounds adventurous and the narrator kept finding these bullets while she was doing her adventures. What makes it even interesting is that she can find it beyond the city. This means that her adventure goes far <u>beyond the open fields. </u>
I'm doing great! How about you?
The body paragraph of an informative essay should be supported with evidence and claims.