Without a doubt, it's .....
D. Title page
Espond to one of the following prompts in two to three paragraphs.CiTng textual evidence from "On the Pulse of Morning" and "One ±oday:"•describe some of the challenges facing the American people during the late 20th and early 21stcenturies±here were many challenges that the American had to face in the late 20thand early 21stcenturies.By reading the two poems "On the Pulse of Morning" and "One ±oday" I was able to infer some of them.For instance when Maya Angelou said ’’ Women, children, men, ±ake it into the palms of your hands,Mold it into the shape of your most Private need. Sculpt it into ±he image of your most public self. Li² upyour hearts Each new hour holds new chances For a new beginning. Do not be wedded forever ±o fear,yoked eternally ±o bruTshness.” She was saying that we had a problem with dwelling on the past andneed to get passed that because to many people have worked hard to make our country the way it istoday. So we need to look past how people, look, sound, and originated from and get back to the basic of
Yes, it is necessary to have a commitment for all the responsible parts of a society of ministers (in this case a Church Council), each one of them has responsibilities and rights so it’s very important to define which are the objectives to complete for each part and which is the decision level that they have inside of the organization, power is the most harmful tool in any organization so it’s very important to define the mean reason, why they are organizing a society, why they have people that wants to see them organized and what do they want to make, this will help to secure perpetual guardianship between each other’s and also will help to show to the follower people that they have convictions, strong and will help to develop a good connection.
For example, a Church Council has the role to administer the church according with the doctrine that they have and a doctrine has a connection between the spiritual and the actions that followers have to develop according with what is written by the ancestress, for example, The Bible, it’s not a contract but says what do you have to do and believe, if not, you can profess your religion according with your own doctrines and you can deviate the focus point of the church.
I made my friend laugh today basically better than smiling it made me happy too
Why'd u ask