3 Feet
If one inch is 1.5 Feet, two is just doubling the previous answer. So 3.
If I had 4 Inches, I would have 6 Ft. because you are just adding 1.5 to your previous answer.
host: to around 50,000 visitors- does not need a colon
respect: - doesn't need a colon
areas: - doesn't need a colon
This is false!
An "unabridged" version means not shortened, complete, not missing any text. A shortened version of a novel or of a dictionany is the opposite of this: it is abridged. The verb "abridge" itself means to shorten without a loss of content.
F. Scott Fitzgerald, "Winter Dreams" and Jack London, “To Build A Fire”
Third-person limited is where a story is told by a narrator rather than a person (uses words like he, she, they, etc.) and you can see the thoughts of only one singular person. These stories have these 2 qualities.