the Miranda rights. this is why the police read you your Miranda rights when you are arrested.
It was made law that a police officer has to read you your rights when you are arrested because a guy with the last name of Miranda didn't know that he had the right to remain silent when he was taken into custody for an awful crime (I think it was either abduction or rape).He told the police everything because he didn't know he had the right to remain silent. He brought his case to court and won the new law was named the Miranda rights after his last name.
It describes how, during a ceremony at the round house, Vince Madwesin, the tribal policeman, was serving off-duty as a security guard. When Vince found some attendees drinking, he asked them to leave out of respect for the ceremony. One of the drinkers stumbled away and was later found dead from choking on his vomit.
C. Ashley asked, "Do we have homework tonight?"
If you start by telling who said it, use a comma and then the first quotation mark.
Punctuation always goes inside the quotation marks if it is a direct quote. If you use an exclamation point of a question mark, do not use a comma.
Dialogue begins with a capitalized word, no matter where in the sentence it begins.
C. The quarterback scored in the fourth quarter
The main reason why you would use the revising strategy called Use Snapshots is because snapshots are some of the easiest way to catch and contain lots of material, especially on a computer desktop.