Answer is B: Even though the British won, they had to raise taxes in the colonies to pay for war expenses which made colonists unhappy.
Participation was far from open to all residents, but was instead limited to adult, male citizens (i.e., not a foreign resident, regardless of how many generations of the family had lived in the city, nor a slave, nor a woman), who "were probably no more than 30 percent of the total adult population".
The lord propietors, even tough the kind had full sovereignty over Carolina, were given some Powers to ensure to collect taxes and duties, establish civil structures and to keep order, also they could own some mineral field, they were avalaible to have some independent at some point.
The goverment of these colonies consisted in: A governor, a council and a populary elected assembly.
The goverments under propietary rule were similarly organized, the best know difference was who appointed the governing oficial, in these case could be the Lords Proprietors or the sovereign.
A. Prevent another world war.