On this day in 1919, President Woodrow Wilson attends the Paris Peace Conference that would formally end World War I and lay the groundwork for the formation of the League of Nations.
Wilson envisioned a future in which the international community could preempt another conflict as devastating as the First World War and, to that end, he urged leaders from France, Great Britain and Italy to draft at the conference what became known as the Covenant of League of Nations. The document established the concept of a formal league to mediate international disputes in the hope of preventing another world war.
Once drawn, the world’s leaders brought the covenant to their respective governing bodies for approval. In the U.S., Wilson’s promise of mutual guarantees of political independence and territorial integrity to great and small states alike rankled the isolationist Republican majority in Congress. Republicans resented Wilson’s failure to appoint one of their representatives to the peace delegation and an equally stubborn Wilson refused his opponents’ offers to compromise. Wary of the covenant’s vague language and potential impact on America’s sovereignty, Congress refused to adopt the international agreement for a League of Nations.
At a stalemate with Congress, President Wilson embarked on an arduous tour across the country to sell the idea of a League of Nations directly to the American people. He argued that isolationism did not work in a world in which violent revolutions and nationalist fervor spilled over international borders and stressed that the League of Nations embodied American values of self-government and the desire to settle conflicts peacefully.
The tour’s intense schedule cost Wilson his health. During the tour he suffered persistent headaches and, upon his return to Washington, he suffered a stroke. He recovered and continued to advocate passage of the covenant, but the stroke and Republican Warren Harding’s election to the presidency in 1921 effectively ended his campaign to get the League of Nations ratified. The League was eventually created, but without the participation of the United States.
Cleopatra was a ruthless but cunning Egyptian Pharaoh who was part of the Ptolemy dynasty. Her family had ruled over Egypt for around five-hundred years. When she turned eighteen years of age Cleopatra's father died and she married her brother as the pair then ruled over Egypt together. However, since Cleopatra was much older, she was the <em>real</em> headmaster of things and her brother did not get to make any dire decisions. However, her brother eventually grew older and overthrew her as the ruler of Egypt. So he forced Cleopatra out of Egypt and into exile she went.
Thereafter Cleopatra gave herself to a man named Julius Caesar and he helped her to reclaim the throne. They killed Cleopatra's younger brother Ptolemy XIII by drowning him and completely decimated Ptolemy's army too. After Cleopatra took back the power, she and Julius Caesar fell in love and had a child. This child's name was Caesarion. Cleopatra then left Egypt for a vacation in Rome, wherein she stayed in one of Caesar's houses. The two had a fine romance for a bit, but then Julius Caesar, who was also Rome's military general, got murdered by rebellious men.
Marc Antony emerged as Rome's next great leader and subsequently Cleopatra forgot about Julius Caesar and fell in love with this man instead. They also shared a disliking for another one of Rome's leaders in Octavian and formed a military alliance against him, because he was the legal heir of Julius Caesar. But Cleopatra wanted her son, Caesarion, to be Caesar's heir and to someday become ruler of Rome. So Cleopatra and Antony engaged in warfare with Octavian but was defeated, and after this devastating defeat the pair retreated to Egypt. Marc Antony, however, wasn't going so quick to give up like his significant other. He returned to the battlefield in Rome and upon listening to false reports that Cleopatra was murdered, he killed himself. Then, for the same reason, Cleopatra killed herself. And so went the life of Cleopatra.
Significant conversions also occurred beyond the extents of the empire such as that of the Turkic tribes in Central Asia and peoples living in regions south of the Sahara in Africathrough contact with Muslim traders active in the area and Sufi orders.
Capitalism is basically people who want money like Mr Crabs but communism is like everything belongs to everyone and the government takes more