I would Pick two. When poets show and explain the feeling of love Its mostly through words which speak from the strong emotions and experiences they had. Many types of love can be unexplainable through writing or seem kind of like a fairy tale. But each romantic poem differs from one another because its poets personal Emotions they share with another human being. Love as individuals isn't the same but has human caught up in such a powerful Emotion yet something we see as love.
The literary device presented in Ophelia's song is "<em>simile</em>".
Simile is a figure of speech that compares to things with no necessity of a huge explanation. This happens when you compare two things.
In Shakespeare's masterpiece, Ophelia's song was considered to be very revealing because at that time, the way she spoke or what she said throughout the song was socially unacceptable due to the fact that she was an unmarried women and talking so openly was an issue.
<em><u>to ask somebody to do something, often in an emotional way</u></em><em><u>.</u></em>
<em><u>a song, poem or other expression of sadness for somebody who has died or for something that has ended</u></em>
<em><u>provide money to pay (a cost or expense).</u></em>
<em><u>a very large number of something</u></em><em><u>.</u></em>
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Considering you have to write about a teen who wants to earn money, make it interesting at least.
You can have the teen (male or female) struggling to get money as they are handling high school, sports (if you want to make them do sports), and other things.
Everybody knows that it's definitely a struggle to be a student and work at the same time, but in the end it eventually it pays off. I'd base this idea off of society nowadays, where teens become pregnant to just get free money off of the government because they're a single mom. How about the teens who actually want to do something in life?
- I'd start out with the teen a month into their job they have at the moment, juggling exams in school and other classes. Maybe they eventually figure out that the job they have currently is doing no good for them (insert a low pay check?). They are soon to graduate, and don't know if they can afford a college to go to. They decide to resign from their job and search for another, even if it's short time such as doing things for neighbors (mowing, babysitting, etc). They eventually find a job where they feel appreciated at and happy to work for. Soon enough, after all of the hard work they have been put through and done, they finally have enough money to pay for a college tuition, a college that they actually wanted to go to in the first place. I'd suggest to add in friends along the way that help the teen get motivated and where they are today.
It's just an idea, but this would be definitely something I would write about.