Why is it important to know about maximum sustainable yield (MSY)?
To manage human take from the wild, one needs to know how much can be safely taken without
depleting the resource one wants to take from, and without otherwise negatively impacting the
environment. Fishing is no exception. As scientists and managers have discussed how much fish can be
safely taken out of the sea one concept has become a key tool for fisheries management: maximum
sustainable yield (MSY). In order to participate in the debate about fishing limits, one needs to have an
understanding of the basics of the MSY concept. This briefing is aiming to provide this.
What is MSY?
In population ecology and economics, MSY is the largest average yield (catch) that can theoretically be
taken from a species’ stock over an indefinite period under constant environmental conditions. It is
usually measured in tonnes. To have a viable and thriving fishing sector, the size of fish stocks must be
above levels where they can produce the maximum sustainable yield over an indefinite timeframe.
A suitable form of payment at a farmers market is en efectivo
Buenos días, mi nombre es _Elizabeth_.Mi clase es a las nueve de la mañana.
- Hola, yo estoy bien; Hasta ahora no hay nada en especial.
- Me llamo Elizabeth; Y mi nombre es Elizabeth.
- Yo soy de Estados Unidos; No, no soy de Cuba.
- Son las 17:07 de la tarde.
- La clase de español empieza a las 18:00 en punto.
- En la clase de español hay un aproximado de 30 estudiantes.
- Yo soy una mujer.
- Mi profesora de español se llama Megan.
- Mi profesora de español es de México.
- Yo soy una estudiante.
I answered all of them just in case, but if I did it wrong please tell me I hope it will help you.