<u>Omniscient narrator</u>:
This is a common 3rd person narrator in which the person of the tale knows everything, from private thoughts, secret or hidden events, to jumping betweens time. However, the narrator does not tell the reader or viewer everything, until it has a great affect on the story. This is used throughout the story, and the story line can change whenever. For example, if i am a omniscient narrator, i would be able to tell you what every single character is thinking, their actions, and their consequences. You will be able to know whatever they think & do. An example of this is: Bob is angry, because Tom broke his favorite toy. Bob thought, "I will repay Tom for what he has done". He devised a plan that included destroying all of Tom's toys. In the dead of night, when all others are sleeping, Bob went to Tom's house, and bashed and scattered his toys around. The next day, when Tom awoke, he screamed. His parents came and called the police.... etc etc
This showed that even though the other people in the story did not know who did it (yet) or what his thoughts were that led to his actions, the reader him/her self knew what was going on.
hope this helps
ASAP means As soon as possible ( I hope this answers your question) :)
I would say dear auntie I have lost the right to watch television and I need your help to get that right back. If you help me I can do chores around your house and I can help you go grocery shopping.
It´s hard to find something to do for your aunt other than maybe chores or other stuff like that so I guess those could go hand in hand.
We should watch good movies, <u>Shouldn't we? </u>
<u>Hope </u><u>it </u><u>helps </u><u>:</u><u>)</u>