About 13,000 years ago, more than three-fourths of the large Ice Age animals, including woolly mammoths, mastodons, saber-toothed tigers and giant bears, died out. Scientists have debated for years over the cause of the extinction, with both of the major hypotheses — human overhunting and climate change — insufficient to account for the mega die-off.
The life for a young apprentice in colonial days was hard because he works with his master to learn trade. I also want to be an apprentice because this job gives me a lot of knowledge for the trade and I gain this knowledge from my master and this job helps me to better my economic condition and support my family so that's why I want to be an apprentice.
The angel appeared to Mohamed
idk if there was answers
but christtianity is a culture or religion to belive in god and only one god, i hope i was helping.