Un programa de concursos
Un reportero
El horóscopo
Un documental
La sección de sociedad
Un crítico de cine
you must say what it is:
It is a transmission where people play and win money or prizes.
He is the person who investigates the news.
It is the section of the newspaper where predictions are published.
It is a program or a film that shows real events in order to inform.
It is the part of the newspaper where people announce parties, celebrations and marriages.
He is the person who analyzes the premieres.
2.- Ahorra para que no te ahorren
2.- El ahorro es paso a paso, peso a peso
Translate: behaviors that have good or bad alternatives due to the current pandemic.
Another important day, is La Candelaria 'the Candles' or Virgen de la Candelaria 'Virgin of Lights or Candles' (this is also known as Candlemas in other countries around the world) on the 2nd February and it marks the end of the Mexican Christmas celebrations.