When man learned to write, to use metals, and to work with others we say he became "civilized", although the exact parameters of civilization vary in interpretation.
Blackstone's works helped the American colonists understand their rights according to English common law because Blackstone made those laws approachable. The Americans fought a revolution, won, and then found themselves faced with the task of actually doing what they had wanted: building their own government.
Q1. ethnic group
Q2.Allowing Germany to unite w/ Austria
Q4.Wide-spread international trade of goods and ideas
hope it helps!!! :)
Answer: The Qing Dynasty was the last dynasty of China. The Qing ruled China from 1644 to 1912 before being overthrown by the Republic of China. It is sometimes referred to as the Manchu Dynasty. History. In the early 1600s, the Manchu people of northern China began to unite against the Ming Dynasty.