errores comunes en el razonamiento que socavarán la lógica de su argumento.
Pues siguen las reglas generales de acentuación, además de: Si el acento cae sobre una de las vocales cerradas, se tilda, pero no se considera triptongo
Hi hi how do we get the address to to the king and then we are in a blue box and the bill the correct one ☝️ and then the bill for real fast I can get a refund if it doesn’t get it I think can I have it in I can get a hold it on from you if you have time I will get that one out for the first one ☝️ and the other two are fine I can get the check in for you if that’s not going ok thanks bye rytoei bye thanks bye I hope can get a hold of me and then eueI’ll and we’ll see what I
i can help with other thingsss