Limited work hours <span>for women
The decision upheld that women should not work for more than 10 hours.</span>
All three nations were governed by monarchs, and the people wanted change. monarchy is when a place is governed by a king or/and queen. The people don't like it because the kings and the queens are unfair or bad. like the Russian monarchy turned into being communism monarchy.
Option B. share-croppers is the answer
Social tensions and schism was seen in between people based on their color, race and ethnicities. African Americans were taken as share croppers or the tenant farmers.
Jim Crow laws came into existence which prohibited racial discrimination in the public place. Plessey and Ferguson case lead to the amendment of constitution which stated ‘separate but equal doctrine’ which itself inwardly violates the law of equality.
The right to poll or contest in election was not granted and this made the African Americans to migrate to north. Many protests were demonstrated to express their apprehension over ethnic discrimination.
World War 2 which has started in 1939 was the most devastating war the world has ever fought. One of the reasons for that devastation was because the Third Reich forces used a tactic called Blitzkrieg which was designed the following way: At first Dive Bombers went in to strike enemy points (JU-87 Stukas) were the most popular for those missions. After the bombardment went the Wehrmacht (tank) forces and the Infantry. The other devastating problem for the Allies was the new Submarine tactics. Hitlers engineers have developed a submarine known as a U-Boat. Those were mostly used for the blockade of Great Britain to sink allied shipping. The most devastating moment of the war was in 1945 when the United States launched a successful Atomic strike in Hiroshima and Nagasaki causing more then 200,000 casualties from each atomic bomb. In total 75,000,000 people died as the result of battles.