The first rhyming couplet of the poem "On Imagination" contains an inverted sentence: "Thy various works, imperial queen, we see, How bright their forms! how deck'd with pomp by thee!"
People Shouldn’t Be Able To Have Exotic Animals
There are many exotic animals all over the world that live in the wild. There are many species and some are extinct. Exotic animals are very expensive that require more than what people realize. These animals belong in their natural habitats. It is wrong and cruel for the animals that have to live in captivity when they are meant to live in the wild. Taking exotic animals out of the wild disrupts the natural food chain and negatively affects natural selection. Exotic animals belong in the wild because the reason they are exotic is because they cannot be tamed like any other pet, and if they can’t be tamed, they can become a harm to the owner and to others that the animal feel threatened by. Injury and possibly death is likely to happen under such circumstances of the animals being neglected. Another reason why I believe that exotic animals do not belong under human captivity as pets is because it is harmful to the pets and the nature of them. Some animals need their families to survive and they also need to learn to hunt in order for them to survive. Once an exotic animal becomes the pet of someone, it becomes dependent which is unhealthy for the animal, especially if they are brought under captivity at such an early age. Owning exotic animals as keeping them as pets should be illegal is what I believe is right. Exotic animals kept as house pets are a hazard to the pet owners and any other people around the world
First Person (Central Narrator)
Our trusty narrator is Marguerite Johnson, also known as Maya. No one's surprised—this is an autobiography, after all.
Most of the narrative is written from the perspective of young Maya. And since she begins telling her story at the age of three (and is a very imaginative child), she's not the most reliable narrator. She often forces us to read between the lines: think Bailey Jr. lying to her about Mr. Freeman not begin able to kill him, Momma sending the kids to San Francisco, and Mr. Freeman "mysteriously" turning up dead. Oh, and she also just makes things up, like that whole Momma vs. Dentist Lincoln scenario.
Having said that, adult Angelou gets in a word or two once in a while, too. And there's a big difference between this woman and young Maya. Adult Maya reflects back on her life, and is affected by the experiences that she's had as an adult:
Recently a white woman from Texas, who would quickly describe herself as a liberal, asked me about my hometown. When I told her that in Stamps my grandmother had owned the only Negro general merchandise store since the turn of the century, she exclaimed, "Why you were a debutante." Ridiculous and even ludicrous. (16.1)
Style and voice aside, this is something young Maya couldn't have told us since, well, it hadn't happened to her. So we're glad we have adult Maya to guide us along.
The pairing of adult Angelou and child Maya makes for an interesting ride. It allows us to experience the world as Maya felt it when she was young without losing the deep ruminations of a wise and experienced adult.
I bit into the the chicken, my mouth filling with my favorite salty, sweet, and slightly spicy flavor of the meat from my favorite restaurant. I wash it all down with some pink lemonade, the sweet and sour juice trickling down my chin. I pick up my spoon and have a bit of my hot soup the moist chicken and soft carrots warm me up inside and out.
Hope this helps :)
You displayed a depth of knowledge in your initial interviews that is extremely impressive.
"We are happy to let you know that we that we think you're pretty clever." Is informal and based on this message it does not fit.
"Our intention at this juncture is to scrutinize your intellectual capacity and creative prowess" Is very words and seems a bit excessive. It doesn't match other parts of the assignment.
"You seem way smarter than a lot of people." Doesn't fit the formality at all.
Therefore "You displayed a depth of knowledge in you initial interviews that is extremely impressive" is the best way to go.