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Concert tickets (duty) must be cheaper. I (change) channel, but my mother loves this contest. Why (they) do not (choose) Marta to play the main role? We do not (pay) to see that movie, it has very bad criticism. We're going to see a comedy, I think you like more than the opera. Form sentences with these elements using the conditional. I / go out / to the cinema / with you /, / but / be tired ever / Ernesto / publish / your poetry Nicolás and I / also / want to go / to the festival all that public / not fit / in the show room if I win / the prize /, / not know / what to say
Descubre,ordenando las letras: tiebrlda,dieaonsrbladspi, isoncuecasec, oy iecdod,aivd,eremtu, gereil ebni, alm,slavcudeit.

tiebrlda = libertad
dieaonsrbladspi = responsabilidad
isoncuecasec = consecuencia
oy = yo
iecdod = decido
aivd = vida
eremtu = muerte
gereil = elegir
ebni = bien
alm = mal
slavcudeit = esclavitud
Answer:some examples: "para aquí" (stop here) or
"para allí" (stop there) an you can also use
"para Acá" (stop here) or "para allá" (stop there)
Explanation: a longer sentence could be: para allá y esperame (stop there and wait for me)
2.cuanta horas trabajas el la librarian?
Donde trabajas?
3. Quien practica el vocabulario en clase?
Que practican los chico's?
4.Adondo viajan Valeria y Sergio?
Como viajan viajan Valeria y a Sergio?
5.Quien cena en la cafeteria?
Donde cena Catalina y Susana ?
El Dr. Sabato ha estado llevando a cabo su operación secreta durante un año.
Dr. Sabato been running his secret operation for on year.