a. Yes. It is a probability density function because \sum f(x) =1
. b. probability MCC will obtain more than 30 new clients=P(40)+P(50)+P(60)= 0.20+0.35+0.20=0.75
c. probability MCC will obtain fewer than 20 new clients= P(10)= 0.05
x f(x) x*f(x) x*x*f(x)
10 0.05 0.5 5
20 0.1 2 40
30 0.1 3 90
40 0.2 8 320
50 0.35 17.5 875
60 0.2 12 720
1 43 2050
expected value = \sum xf(x) = 43
Variance = 2050-43^2= 201
correct answer is nonprofit organization
- The nonprofit organization primarily represents organizations based on scientific, educational, research and religious concerns.
- The nonprofit organization represents voluntary and association type organizations that do not pay income tax.
- In question, Ana is a professional teacher and she wants to help a poor student in her studies and open a center known as a non-profit organization.
so correct answer is nonprofit organization
To obtain the needed detail of order table and order date for each order place by customer, has to be filtered with "John's Department Store"
select ORDER_NUM, ORDER_DATE frome orders as o
inner join customer as c on c.CUSTOMER_NUM=o.CUSTOMER_NUM
where c.CUSTOMER_NAME = "Johnson's Department Store"
Some of these funding options are for Indian business, however, similar alternatives are available in different countries.
- Bootstrapping your startup business
- Crowdfunding As A Funding Option
- Get Angel Investment In Your Startup
- Get Venture Capital For Your Business
c. investment expenditures
The reason for this is that during business cycles investors gain trust in the economy during a boom and invest a lot and during a recession they lose trust in the economy and decrease their investment by a lot, where as a lot of consumption like food, medicine, petrol etc remains mostly unaffected by changes in business cycle. Also government spending does not fluctuate a lot during the course of a business cycle because government spending is either long term like development projects.