To stop the spread of communism.
The United States have an infamous history throughout the 20th century of meddling in the internal affairs in countries all over the world. Some oft hose countries were Guatemala and Iran. There were two reasons as to why the United States engaged into overthrowing their governments, one being the economic factor, and the other being the military factor.
First of all, the United States were trying to stop the spread of communism, and even more so the Soviet influence in other countries. They were opposing the communism mainly because it was endangering the economy, or rather the global trade and market. In order to prevent this, as well as to secure military presence in strategically important places, the United States engaged into overthrowing governments, including the ones in Iran and Guatemala. The overthrowing was done by financing opposing groups, tactical support, providing finances and weaponry...
Prior to the outbreak of the Civil War, the election of 1860 increased sectional tensions of the United States by lifting pro-union, anti-slavery statesman, Abraham Lincoln into the Presidency. In reaction, the Southern States protested in many ways, but in no more dramatic way than, one by one, seceding.
theres a 1 in 3 chance of police not finding you killer if someone were to kill you in the US.