B. an interaction where the brain affects psycho-social factors and vice-versa
There is a bi-directional relationship between the brain and the psycho-social factors. The effect of anxiety, depression, and stress on immune system responses in both animals and humans. It has been observed that depression and stress are associated with a rise in the level of circulating pro-inflammatory cytokines. Brain injuries play an important role in giving rise to psycho-social factors for eg. trauma.
This is simply refered to as characteristics of thoughts, feelings, and patterns that defines an individual's uniqueness.
The Big Five Personality Traits
This is also called the five factor model. It is known as a model that uses common language descriptors of personality.
The personality are: extroversion, neuroticism, openness to experience, agreeableness, consciousness
Openness to experience
This is simply refered to as the ability that one may or may not accept new ideas and approaches, and to be curious, being artistic. It tends to correlate with education and IQ higher openness, higher education level.
It is often referred to as being (inventive/curious vs. consistent/cautious). It is simply the appreciation for art, emotion, adventure, unusual ideas, curiosity, and variety of experience. Openness shows the degree of intellectual curiosity, creativity and a preference for novelty and variety an individual has.
This freedom allows citizens to express there views to their representitives in government when they do not agree with what decision is being made, or what law being passed, etc. It not only allows citizens to express their views, but it also creates a democracy that better represents it's citizens.
According to <span>Richard Dawkins, culture is a population of memes which are just "copy me" programs.
Just as genes reproducing themselves, memes are actions, behaviors, units of culture that are replicated through language or observation.
This way of describing culture has some important ramifications:
first, culture is not a way of thinking that a certain population share, but in opposition is something we have in common with people with our same culture;
second, where an individual experiment some degree of conflict between the cultural norms and its belief, this conflict is not caused by an external force but instead is a conflict that is taking place in their heads;
third, if you view culture as a similarity between people, like brown hair, it is much easier to remember that perspective matters;
lastly, this way of viewing culture gives us a measurable way of thinking about how culture is spread among different individuals.
War was comming and they wanted to attack on their own terms!!