The answer is option D.
In the poem "The River Merchant's Wife: A Letter," by Ezra Pound, the speaker makes reference to the paired yellow butterflies to suggest that she is growing old and that she is not with her beloved husband. Actually, she misses him and longs to meet him again.
I think both are correct in #1.
I’m not sure if there is a typo in #2 and if its supposed to be “going TO shopping malls” or just “going shopping malls”. But I think the first option, “I really dislike going (to) shopping malls” would be correct.
3. is the first one, “Could you please stop making that noise?”
That meas 760x100=76000
The number is 76,000 = seventy six thousand.
The answere i think would be true
Wrong app but did you try rice? :)