Asexual reproduction is an advantage because they don't need to depend on contacting a suitable mate, or expand energy producing gametes and attractions, in order to spread .
sexual reproduction is an advantage because it enables the exchange of genetic information and produces variety in the offspring that makes them more resilient and capable of adapting to changes in their environment .
Your speed would have been encreased because you are able to get to the distance quicker in less time.
The most massive part of the atom is the NUCLEUS which has a POSITIVE charge.
(That's why we have electrons to balance the charge)
I hope this helps!
If you look at Cosmos episode 1, I'm sure you find an answer there.
kinetic energy
The energy associated with an object's motion is called kinetic energy. A speeding bullet, a walking person, and electromagnetic radiation like light all have kinetic energy. Another example of kinetic energy is the energy associated with the constant, random bouncing of atoms or molecules.