What? I dknt really understand
Polyphemus is a Cyclops. He is a son of Poseidon and a nymph. He lived on Sicily with the other Cyclopes. When Odysseus sailed to Sicily, he and twelve of his men explored the island The cave belonged to the Cyclops Polyphemus.
Consonance is the repetition of consonant sounds in words that are close to one another in a piece of text such as; Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers
Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds, sometimes creating end rhymes
The suitors must string Odysseus's hunting now that he knew how to string. After that, they have to shoot an arrow through twelve axe handles. If they completed this, they would win her hand in marriage.
At the end of the third act, the reader already knows that the Franks will be found and taken to the concentration camp. However, the characters are hoping they won't be found.
The end of the third act establishes a strong suspense because it presents the moment when the Frank family came very close to being found and taken to the concentration camps. As you know, the Frank family is a Jewish family, which was hidden during the second world war, fleeing the Nazi regime.
In this act, the suspense controls the Frank family, who know they are very close to being found, but they have hope and believe they can escape this situation. However, this piece is based on a real history and the reader knows that the Franks will be found and taken to concentration camps, where most will die.