An private bill concerns individual people or places . Public bills usually deal with very basic or broad matters such as taxation and other general matters.
Personally, i don't think he is.
John Brown Believed that the only way to overthrow the institution of slavery is by doing an armed revolt. We have to aware that in his Era, slavery is very common. Is like owning a dog in this era. He probably tried to convince the slave owners to realize the value of human's dignity no matter what the race is but nobody agrees with his point of view.
Military and diplomatic tensions diminished between 1972 and 1980 as the two superpowers engaged in dialogue, frecuent contacts and agreed to reduce their nuclear stockpiles (SALT Treaty) and to boost bilateral trade. US president Richard Nixon and Soviet secretary-general Leonid Brezhnev met at three summits between 1972 and 1974.
increased opportunity for education,basically what the other guy said but this is the answer.
:^D ~T