Answer: the answer is the river
Explanation: <u><em>setting means place and the only place written in the sentence is river so yes the answer is river</em></u>
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Rhetorical Questions, Statistics, and Reasoning.
Since this is a poem and you have a comma after river bank, the answer would be Halting because it is starting a new line. River should not be capitalized in this sentence because it is not a proper noun. It is just a common noun.
Comparative form means that your are comparing things.
Comparative form of cold is colder
Example: The apple juice is colder than the grape juice.
Hope this helps. :)
I would say that yes government should provide health care.
Start off your first paragraph with your opinion and add one reason. An example would be, Government should provide health care because reason 1. Discuss reason 1 in the first paragraph. For the second paragraph start the same way, I think government should provide health care because reason 2. If you have text then include quotes. In one of your paragraphs include a counter claim. Basically say, Some people may say government should not provide health care because (insert reason). Then say, this is not a realistic reason because..... At the end of your first paragraph write a transitional sentence such as, government has many other reasons to provide health care or something along that line. At the end of your second paragraph write a concluding sentence. For example, government should provide health care because reason 1 and reason 2 prove that it would be beneficial. One reason you could use I thought of right away was so that people are able to care more about helping their child, significant other, mom, dad, etc get better than worry about how much money the life saving procedure is going to cost. A reason you could say to not provide health care, is that insurance would most likely fight procedures more and it would be difficult to get treatments because if everyone can now get procedures they need for free, some people may not be accepted because they are not in as dire of circumstances. Overall, a general rule of thumb I use is pick the side that is easiest to support not what you necessarily agree with.