Films have different clips and angles that you can see where as theatrical productions you only see the front or if its filmed then whatever angle they give you.
Kodály Method
The Kodály method, also referred to as Kodály concept, is a way of developing musical skills and teaching musical concepts beginning in very young children.
I'm always here
The corporal works of mercy include the following:
feeding the hungry
giving shelter to the homeless
giving clothes to the naked
visiting those who are sick
visiting those who are imprisoned
burying the dead
giving alms to those who are poor
Spiritual works of mercy include the following:
bearing wrongs patiently
The answer to the question is beat.
To fix this photograph I would do a couple things. First, I would change the backround. For a wedding photoshoot it should look happy and pretty, for example a flower field or a nice building, not a run-down nasty building. I would also change the fact that the bride isn't looking at the camera. Another thing I would do, which is unnessary but might look better, is pose the couple differently. The photographer made the groom more focused on so I would change their positions to distribute the main focus. I do, however, like the candidness of the shot.
My mom's a photographer, so yeah.
Hope this helps! :)