Igneous rock derives it's name from the Latin word ignis which means fire. It is formed when the magma after volcanic eruption gets cool and solidified either on the surface of earth crust or inside the earth crust. These rocks are characterized by their hardness. These rocks undergoes no chemical weathering but exhibit very low mechanical or physical weathering may occur. Therefore, hardness is the property which can be used to identify the origin of an igneous rock.
Shinzo Abe: Japan
Chiang Kai-shek: China
Kim Jong Un: North Korea
Park Geun-hye: South Korea
Mao Zedong: Taiwan
One simple and easy way that scientists can accurately date fossils found is through the ground levels. When you take a big chunk out of the earth, you can see the changes in the texture in the "ground" Each "layer" represents a set of years. And as you get further and further into the ground, fossils become older and older.
true .... have nice day....