<h2>Primates </h2>
Primates are a group of animals has flexible hands and feet, large brains in relation to body size, forward-looking eyes, and arms that can rotate in a circle around the shoulder joint
- Primates include the lemurs,lorises,monkeys,apes and humans
- The order Primates, with its 300 or more species, is the third most diverse order of mammals, after rodents and bats
- The Primates order is divided informally into three main groups: prosimians, monkeys of the New World, and monkeys and apes of the Old World
- All primates have five fingers (pentadactyly), a generalized dental pattern, and a primitive body plan
- Another distinguishing feature of primates is fingernails
- Opposing thumbs are also a characteristic primate feature
- When compared with body weight, the primate brain is larger than that of other terrestrial mammals, and it has a fissure unique to primates that separates the first and second visual areas on each side of the brain
- The eyes face forward in all primates so that the eyes visual fields overlap
- Fossils of the earliest primates date to the Early Eocene Epoch (56 million to 40 million years ago) or perhaps to the Late Paleocene Epoch (59 million to 56 million years ago)
Interrupt the long winter nights with a brief period of light.
Long day plants, also called short night plants, flower when the dark period is equal or less than the critical period specific for the species. These plants normally flower in summers when nights are short and days are longer. Winters have a long dark period and do not support flowering in shirt night plants.
A continuous dark period is critical for flowering. A short night plant can flower in winters (having longer dark periods) if the dark period is interrupted by exposing the plant with a flash of light. To make short night plants, such as iris to flower in winters, the plant should be given short period of light after completion of critical dark period.
Based on a ruler in centimeters, with ten divisions between each centimer mark, you will have marks at every 0.1 cm.
Then, the measure of the length of a metal rod should have 1 decimal place.
That decimal place means mlimiters, given that 1 mm = 0.1 cm.
Answer: 1 decimal place
Answer:The main features of a nauplius are a simple, unsegmented body, three pairs of appendages (antennules, antennae, and mandibles), and a single, simple, “naupliar” eye. Nauplius larvae are found in the life cycles of cirripedes, ostracods, branchiopods, copepods, euphausiids, the decapod peneid prawns, and….
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The answer to this question would be endocytosis.
Endocytosis a process to bring outside material into cell. The word "endo" itself mean "inside". This material could be source of energy or microbes that need to be killed. It's opposite would be exocytosis. The word "exo" itself mean "outside".
Both of them is pretty similar because they use vesicle to transport the things that need to be moved.