La mujeres es pelirojo. Nos ensena periodismo. Es simpatico y trabajadora. ¿los turistas japones established Esperanto el autobus? Ustedes toman much as pruebas en la class de espanol
1. From <em>"la mujer / pelirrojo / enseñar / periodismo"</em> goes to: <u>"La mujer pelirroja enseña periodismo".</u>
<em>"La mujer" </em>is the subject which is a feminine third person singular.
"<em>Pelirrojo</em>" is an adjective of the subject that must be conjugated accordingly to the latter, therefore must be feminine and singular, and for that reason the correct way to add it in the sentence is with an -a termination and without any final -s: "pelirroja".
<em>"enseñar"</em> is the verb, that it is in infinite form, but in order to make sense also has to be conjugated agreeing in number and person with the subject, in this case, third person singular, and also in the right tense, in this matter it would be the present simple as the model. So the correct way to add to the sentence is: "enseña".
<em>"periodismo"</em> is the direct complement of the sentence that answers what it is referring the principal action. In this case, <u>what</u> the woman is teaching is "periodism".
2. From <em>"nosotros / ser / simpático / y / trabajador" </em>goes to "Nosotros somos simpáticos y trabajadores".
<em>"Nosotros" </em>is the subject which is a first person plural.
<em>"ser"</em> is the verb, that it is in infinite form, but in order to make sense also has to be conjugated agreeing in number and person with the subject, in this case, first person plural, and also in the right tense, in this matter it would be the present simple (as the model), so the correct way to add to the sentence is: "somos".
<em>"simpático"</em> / "y"/ "trabajador" are the direct complements of the sentence that answers what it is referring the principal action. In this case, <u>what</u> are we? Nice and working men, which are adjectives and also have to be conjugated agreeing the subject, for this case, plural and masculine, and therefore, as they are in singular, then "simpático" is lacking a final -s (for being an adjective that ends in vowel), and trabajador is lacking a final -es (for being an adjective that ends in consonant). So the correct way to add them to the sentence is: "simpáticos y trabajadores".
3. From "¿los turistas / japonés / esperar / el autobús?" goes to "<em>¿Los turistas japoneses esperan el autobús?</em>
<em>"Los turistas" </em>is the subject which is a third person plural.
"<em>Japonés</em>" is an adjective of the subject that must be conjugated accordingly to the latter, therefore must be feminine and plural, and for that reason the correct way to add it in the sentence is with an -a termination and without any final -es, as the adjective ends in consonant: "japoneses".
<em>"esperar"</em> is the verb, that it is in infinite form, that has to be conjugated agreeing in number and person with the subject, in this case, third person plural, and also in the right tense, in this matter it would be the present simple (as the model), so the correct way to add to the sentence is: "esperan".
<em>"en el autobús</em>" it is an adverb of place that answers the question: <em><u>where?</u></em> In this case, <u>where</u> are the Japanese tourists waiting? "At the bus".
In the first plot there are 4 boys that are less than 48 and 7 that are 48 or more. In the second plot there are 4 girls that are less than 48 and 7 that are 48 or more. Point is, there are more boys and girls that are more than 48