B - Federation
Mexico (or United Mexican states) operate as a federation, in which the president functions as both the head of state and the head of the government. Mexico has thirty-states that operate just like the structure that is found in America. They have the executive, judiciary and legislative branches of government with true separation of powers that keeps their activities in check.
India's relationship with the other part of the world is very old.The oldest route is considered to be land route because the passes in the mountains which provided passage to ancient travellars but the ocean route restricted such things .due to this exchange of ideas,commodities have been made upanishads,ramayana,panchtanthra stories ,indian numerals,decimal system have been known in the other parts of the world trading of muslin,merchandise and spice too were there for the return india got greek sculpture ,dome style and minarates for west asia
Nationalism as we historically know it arose not in America but in Europe. Our independence movement was a revolt of the people over the type of government that we had under the British. The founders at first thought of themselves as Englishmen, who were being denied their rights by Parliament and by the crown. Yes, Americans certainly had an identity, but it was not based on ethnicity, language, or even religion alone. It had already developed a very distinct understanding of self-government, and that was the key to the Revolution.
<span>It could be said that Anne Hutchinson opposed Puritan ministers who distinguish saints through church and moral behavior. What is more, she claimed that God speaks to her directly what was against the Puritans doctrine. As regards, Winthrop believed that a married woman was subject of her husband and he wanted Native Americans to submit to English authorities.</span>