A lot of people like trying new experiences that seem scary like roller coasters, skydiving, cliff jumping and etc for a couple different reasons one may be for the thrill of doing things like those listed above because they can give you an adrenaline rush which some can actually be addicted to that rush and the second they may like to test their boundaries as a person or try to get over their fears.
<h3>Music exerts a powerful influence on human beings. It can boost memory, build task endurance, lighten your mood, reduce anxiety and depression, stave off fatigue, improve your response to pain, and help you work out more effectively.</h3>
d) 10
Caesar cipher is code that uses the shift of the letters of alphabet. Key size simply denotes the number of the letters shifted.
For example, let's take the letter A. If key size iz 3, A becomes D (third letter down the alphabet). If the key size is 6, A becomes G (sixth letter down the alphabet).
So to answer this question, we need to decode this code. That means we do reverse process; we go up the alphabet, and shift every letter in the code for the key size.
If the key size is 3, we shift every letter of the code by 3 up the alphabet. So, Z becomes W, E becomes B etc. We end up with: WBALMMVYANLAYLZBSA which obviously doesn't make any sense.
If the key size is 5, similarly, we end up with: UZYJKKTWYLJYWJXZQY.
If the key size is 7, we end up with: SXWHIIRUWJHWUHVXOW.
And finally if the key size is 10, we end up with: PUTEFFORTGETRESULT (PUT EFFORT GET RESULT), which is the only option that makes sense.