America was supplying allied powers with war materials and supplies aiding their effort in the war. The Zimmerman Telegram also is known as unrestricted submarine warfare was a policy that the Germans carried out to delay the transportation of supplies from the United States to their allied powers, who were at war with Germany.
The telegram written by Arthur Zimmerman, a German, was intercepted by the British who decoded the message who was for a German Ambassador in Mexico. It stated if the United States were to join the war supporting the allies the German Ambassador would consult Mexico’s president to make a secret alliance. The Germans would fund Mexico to attack the United States which would allow Mexico to take back Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico. And the Germans wanted to use Mexico to convince the Japanese to support their cause. When the U.S heard this from the British that furthered their cause to join the war and abandon their policy of neutrality.
Despite continuing commercial links between the United States and the Soviet Union throughout the 1920s, Wilson’s successors upheld his policy of nonrecognition. Roosevelt hoped that recognition of the Soviet Union would serve U.S. strategic interests by limiting Japanese expansionism in the Far East.