I apologize in advance if this is incorrect but what I was taught is that the correct answer is gather data to design a recovery plan.
Just like a compass, a modern day gps will say whether you're going north, east, south, or west, however they also tell your exact location and the location that you need to go too.
to this sequence UUAGCU
This is complementary base pairing rule that DNA Transcription and Replication follow.
You can figure it out by looking at a sequence of rocks to try to decipher the times that an event occurred relative to the other events represented in that sequence. The relative age of a rock then is its age in comparison with other rocks. If you know the relative ages of two rock layers, (1) Do you know which is older and which is younger? (2) Do you know how old the layers are in years? so yeah séquences haha
Beneatha lost her faith on her youthful idealism. She always mocks Asagai’s idealistic dream for African independence. She no longer support African heritage and she thinks more about the problem of Africa is facing. She has a dream of going to medical school which may not happen anymore.